Monday 11 July 2011

Honesty - the bedrock of a sincere relationship.

Many relationships have died a swift and agonizing death because lovers do not know how to communicate honestly with their mates.  They hold back their true feelings out of fear that they're going to lose the one they want or the one they're with.  But fact is, in the long run you're better off to be truthful up front regardless of what is at stake because the lies will be discovered anyway.

Most relationships end within 6-9 months because of boredom - lack of communication - dried up sex - the unveiling of the real self emerges and everyone runs for cover.  People can only pretend and lie for a very short period of time unless of course you are Arnold the sperminator,  Casey Anthony - Tiger Woods and the host of politicians who are caught with their pants down. - these are people who can lie for  an extended period of time - They lie so well that it becomes the truth to them.

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