Sunday, 9 October 2011


Relationship/Finance: GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES (GICs). The bi...: I find it incredible ironic that most people are up in arms about how the government is wasting our tax dollars. This is in light of the b...


I find it  incredible ironic that most people are up in arms about how the government is wasting our tax dollars.  This is in light of the billions of dollars lost each year in Canadian banks by clients who neglect to pay attention to when their GICs (Guaranteed Investment Certificates) comes up for maturity.

Seriously, the banks have done their due deligence by sending out quarterly statements to clients so that they can call their banker and renegotiate the current rate for their certificates.  This is not happening.  Guaranteed Investment Certificates are automatically renewed every year at the posted rate for the same term as the previous certificate.  What does this mean to the saving population? It simply means that you will have a 3 year term GIC automatically renewing for approximately 1.3% and a  5 year for 1.65%. Outrageous!

Of course bank staff make every effort to call clients to get their renewal options and offer them a bonus on the posted rate. This bonus can be significant, albeit the low interest rate environment we are currently experiencing.  A bank client can get an extra .75 to 1.25 basis points on the posted rate,  but  they have to call and negotiate. 

Clients are under the impression that the banks  are obligated to call them. They are not. Calls made to clients to remind them of their upcoming GIC maturities are strictly courtesy calls.  Like every other business, bank staff are overworked.  Those advisors with assigned client lists are up to their ying yang with large portfolios  - chances are they are calling their top 20%.  Even so, there are clients with over 1 million dollars in Guaranteed Investment Certificates that are left unassigned with certificates in the millions that have been renewed without bonus points. Go figure and daily we curse the government for wasting our tax dollars.

Is it the banks fault. No. I think not. I think investors have abdicated their responsibility primarily because their lifestyle has become so hectic. They do not have time to oversee their investments and they are too spread out having certificates all over the map because they fear our banks may go bankrupt. 

Solution 1.
Take ownership of your money. Don't wait for the banks to call you, they are too busy trying to gather more meaningful  assets that increases their revenue generation.  Banks do not make money off GICs or mortgages. By the time banks try to match the rates of the competition on a mortgages and  GICs they are basically just bying the business to increase their money under management.

You get your quarterly statements. Put your maturity dates on your calendar and call your bank representative and negotiate a rate. You have thirty days to do so with most financial institutions and insurance companies. Your renewed certificates can be backdated to the date of renewal within 30 days of maturity. After that, you snooze, you lose.

The same goes true for brokers, institutional or boutique.  Everyone is paying attention to their high value clients. And believe it or not, those are the clients that get the best rates because they have millions in the branch and losing them would be painful.

Start to shop the competition at least 4 days before renewal of your certificates. Why? Because banks can hold GIC rates for 3 days.  Get a rate for the term you want and go back to your bank and negotiate with them to match the rate. Of course, this all depends on the level of relationship you currently have with your bank. If all you have is a small amount of funds under management, don't bother you'll get bonus points but no one is going to fall over you to try and win your business.

Consolidated your GICs. I know, I know this mentality of not keeping all your eggs in one basket is for birds and a contributing factor for GICs renewing at posted rates.

Solution 3.
Ladder your GICs so that every year you have a certificate coming up for renewal this will allow you to take advantage of current rates and not have all your certificates coming due at the same time.  For risk averse savers, this is the biggest risk, interest rate risk. Now, this laddering only really makes sense if you have hundreds of thousands of dollars. Instead of putting 500,000 in one GIC why not have it broken up into 5 different certificates from 1-5 years. This way each year you have a certificate coming due with hopefully, a better rate. Yes?

That's it on GICs for now. Next we'll talk about mutual funds and the red hot market that most inexperience investors are waiting to settle down before they invest.  Yes. You heard right. They want to buy high and sell low like they have always done.

Live Your best Life Ever.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

The Art of real friendship.

Lately, I've had reasons to start  taking a closer look at  some of the people whom I call my "friends" and realized that most of these "friends"  are not really  my friends but more like acquaintances that could become real genuine friends.

What is really at the heart of the art of friendship is love. Yes, love. When was the last time you told your best friend that you love them?  When was the last time you were totally honest with your best friend?  When was the last time you went beyond the call of duty to show your support and commitment to the ones whom you call, "friends?"  Those are loaded questions.  What it boils down to is this; most of us could count on our finger,  the amount of real friends we have. That's the gospel truth.

In this the 21st century, "friends" have a whole new meaning.  The next time you declare that someone is your friend take a moment and really inspect that thought and see if that friend is really a friend or a friend to be because believe it or not too much energy is being used up spending time with people who do not care one flying fart about you and they're your friends.

Friends come in all types, you have the friends that call you only when they have big issues and are looking for a sounding board.  You have friends that are seeking others to entertain them. Friends who simply want someone, anyone to pass the time with because anything is better than being with the self.

These thoughts got me started thinking about those in my circle that I call friends and low and behold yes, like everyone else there are in this world three people that I know will come to my funeral or my wake whether or not it is raining, snowing or sunshine. These are my friends: I, me, and myself. These three are always with me in good times and not so good times and all the times. They are with me when I fail and when I succeed, when I am sad and when I am joyously  happy. They are with me when I am in love and when I'm out of love. They are my true friends because even when I am afraid they stick around to help me conquer fear.

The true art of friendship begins with friendship with the self. Today for the first time in a long time I consciously gave thanks for the gifts that I have been given, my talents, my personality, my inner strength and outer weaknesses and for my over all operating systems; everything that keeps me moving even when I am not.

So yes, I am best friend to myself because I am always there for me, and I never just show up I am in IT.

Live your best life ever!


Friday, 2 September 2011

Your Money and your Love

Over the past twenty years of meeting with  and counseling hundreds of clients on their financial matters; I've noticed that couples, whether married, or common law face the dilemma of disclosing financial information.  Why is this so?  It occurred to me that in every relationship there will always be one person who will be more financially engaged than the other.  This can be both positive and negative depending on the particular situation and the quality of the relationship. There is no doubt about it, money is as important in a relationship as the love itself.  A relationship where financial affairs are not clear and open to each partner will create conflict, deep conflict. 

Working couples who are both bread winners and are both engaged in their financial affairs are more apt to be at odds with each other when one person puts him/herself above the other in terms of productivity and income.  The value in a relationship goes beyond dollars and cents, it goes beyond trust, it is all about a sense of team work. Working together to build a future for both to enjoy.  Couples are reluctant, I suspect because I believe deep in their subconscious they're thinking their marriage might not last the test of time and so folks are always hedging their bets to make sure what's their's is their's and what's ours is mine.  No kidding. I've seen it all.

With the onslaught of marriages that are  breaking  down it is understandable that income generation and assets accumulation takes on a more pragmatic vein in the 21st century.  Almost everyone knows of a couple whose marriage ended and one of the couple is living in near poverty while the other prospers.  Of course  this always depends on the one who has the deepest pocket - with enough resources to make sure they get their just dessert.

In my opinion, the best way to handle this dilemma is to understand that no one knows what the future holds.  Our lives is based upon hope. Hope. That's it.  We hope everyday that we remain healthy and strong to do the things we do and enjoy doing.  We hope everyday that our lovers and children will be loyal and devoted to us. We hope everyday that the job we make so many  personal sacrifices for will be there for us so that we can continue to enjoy the lifetstyle we've grown accustomed to. There are no guarantees. One thing is for sure though,  two people can do far more than one person can and that is why relationships are perfect for wealth accumulation and personal growth. So, don't hide that bank account or that investment that you started because you didn't want your mate to know you are not putting all your eggs in one basket. Make this part of your relationship as transparent as possible. Because most relationships break down over money not for the lack of it but for the mismanagement of money.

Fall is the season where folks start to think seriously about their investments and financial resources, especially after a very wonderful summer. Lots of money spent into the economy, yes, that is very good and perhaps lots of debts acquired and you say, "What the hell, I'll be working till I'm dead anyway but meantime, I'll be living the life of Riley." Be careful, bad debt gives bad credit rating and without financial credibility you are screwed.

More on money and love to come in the coming months.

Live your best life ever.

Monday, 29 August 2011

Joyful, Soulful Sex: The Modern Woman's Guide to Intimacy and Great Sex

JSS is now available on Kindle for your reading pleasure. Easier than ever to have it with you all the time, anywhere, everywhere.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

A Little patience goes along way.

Recently, I met a couple who have been married for 10 years and are now calling it quits because as the female partner told me her man just can't get it up anymore and he doesn't even try to please her sexually.  I understand the sex part completely, but to be honest with you I wouldn't be too quick to put him under the bus especially if he has other fine qualities.  Here's a man who is witty, bright, intelligent, gentle and sensitive and most importantly he is  gainfully employed and devoted to his family.  These are some of the qualities that most women and men are looking for in a partner. Of course, sex is important, very important to me but equally important is to have that someone with whom I can share my deepest and darkest with. Someone whom I can rely upon, someone to pick up the slack when I'm down. 

There are so many things a good man can do to excite and arouse a woman into sexual frenzy  without even taking his cock out of his pants. A man with a keen imagination and who has desire for his partner can make magic happens with his tongue and his fingers. And of course if and when push comes to shove and she wants to feel something hard within her vineyard then there is always, the man made ever ready willy on call, 7/24/365 if you want it. 

So if your man is experiencing erectile dysfunction and you are a horny rabbit, be patient let the love you have for him take hold and give him the chance to really explore your body so he can find creative ways to please and pleasure you.  Don't be too quick to chuck him,  you may chuck him in the end but at least find out if there's really anything left in his reserve and remember, we all have reserve.One last thing to think about.  If you want to come to your senses, try to imagine life with your partner in your grey days.  If you require more than sports on television to keep you excited then you had better make sure you can have a meaningful conversation with this soul because in the end, that's basically what it comes down to. Unless of course, you're still quite a horny rabbit then make sure you have sex and good conversations with the old boy:-)

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Time to invest is NOW.

Now is the very best time to enter the capital markets and buy cheap stocks or mutual funds.  This is manner from heaven for the wise and prudent investor. I tell you, if this was the Bay or any other consumer sale people would be lining up around the block to get a piece of the action. But no, it's investment so what do they do, instead of staying put and buy low, the masses, in droves rush in like scared rabbits to cash out. Sell, sell, sell - low and wait until the market is moving up again and buy high. 

At the end of the day these are the investors who lament that they don't like to invest in stocks because they've lost money.  It never fails, people lose money because they listen to their friends and neighbors and yes, well meaning family members who always seem to know someone who is making 10% consistently, year over year. (Remember Bernie Madoff - who made off with billions of investor's money?) And the next thing you know they're writing cheques and rubbing their palms waiting for the big win fall.  Well, all that is well and good but after being in the world of finance for over 20 years I can tell you this investing is not a get rich quick scheme. And, it is not for people who don't have a pot to piss in either.  You cannot invest money in the market that you need in the short term. Investing in the capital market for any period shorter than 5 years is crazy!

What I love best about my job as a financial adviser is that I can tell people the absolute truth. If they don't have a big enough pot to piss in - I will discourage them from playing with the big boys and girls in the market place.  It is all about capital.  If you need capital preservation - save your money in Guarateed Investment Certificates, yes the rates are low but you will have your capital. (Just know that you will need a wheel burrow full of paper money to buy a loaf of bread because that is what inflation and taxes does to your meager return.)

If you are interested in capital appreciation of you investment , and your time horizon is long, and this is money you don't need to feed your family, then go to town and invest well. But for god sake, don't panic when the market is doing what it is supposed to do and run for cover.  

I know, these are interesting times we are living in on all fronts in business and in our personal lives. Personal relationships are taking a beating, couples whom I've known for years are calling it quit because they are tired of the same old same old. Women are finding it ever more difficult in finding a real man and I am talking about finding a real man. A real man who truly knows how to respond and communicate effectively and one that not just want to fuck you so that he can feel like a real man. Believe me, there is a big difference.

That is why I am single and will be so until I find the man who can step up to the plate and bring not only fabulous sex to the table but one who is also intelligent, wise, caring and down right easy to talk to.  In a nutshell, I am seeking a man who can  add real value to my life, otherwise, I am continuing to masturbate and avoid stupid sex with stupid men.

Live Your Best Live Ever! Even if you are by yourself...enjoy the good times and let it roll.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Taking love for granted

Ever find yourself taking  the one whom  you called your beloved for granted because they're always there for you? Well, if you want to be with the one you're with, best to understand a few things about human relationship. Taking a person for granted devalues them. It makes them feel as though they don't count and when someone feels undervalued guess what, they start to withdraw just to protect themselves.  Some won't even discuss it they will just vacate the premises or the relationship. 

The human spirit is a wonderful thing, it is not to be trifled with or played with.  It is hallowed and blessed and when appreciated oh my, it gives vitality to life.  So, if you want to keep the vital signs in your relationship alive, acknowledge the presence of your beloved, let them know that you care for them and that you appreciate their existence in your life. 

A relationship works well when the involved parties understand the law of reciprocity; the giving and the taking of energy.  Good behavior when acknowledged encourages more good behavior. A simple act of kindness and thoughtfulness goes a long way in the human experience.  Don't be stingy with it, don't try to hold it inside or you will suffocate. It is like air, you must exhale. You must let it out so that you can take more in. This is a sensible way to build and encourage good will within the circle of our world if we are truly serious about living a conscious life full with emotional awareness and love.

Live Your best Life Ever!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Joyful, soulful Sex: The Modern Woman Guide to Intimacy and Great Sex - now available in eBook format - Kindle

Finally, the sexiest book of the 21st century is now available in eBook format on Kindle reader. 
Please visit my website at: and begin the journey inward.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Reader feedback about Joyful, soulful Sex: The Modern Woman's Guide to Intimacy and Great Sex.

This is definitely not a book of recipes for model sex! Charm Darby describes the unseen potential that resides in every woman: a bouquet of qualities that, unfortunately, the man does not know where to look for in a woman. This is the book of secret discoveries that every man and woman should have!

Tudor Botzan, Ph.D.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Market Groove

This blog is about  relationship and finance and we've been talking quite a bit about relationship but  with all the movements in the market place the topsy turvy stock markets - the ups and downs and rallying of stocks and mutual fund prices leaves some of us a little shaky.  But why?  we've seen this many times in the past, whatever goes up comes down and goes up again.  The thing is investors sometimes have short memory.  When the market is hot and prices are on the upward move investors have incredible risk tolerance. However, when prices are sliding down suddenly investors are risk averse.  Investors need to shit or get off the pot. 

In a nutshell, this is how it works.  With GIC (Guaranteed Investment Certificates) rates at an all time low there is really no other option than to bite the bullet and invest like a grown up. Research and buy good assets so that when the market is moving in ways that it was made to move you don't panic but sit it out and watch your friends and neighbors and sometimes family members sell their positions at a loss.  You see, this is the typical scenario - buy high when everyone is talking about how great things are like  the way gold  is grabbing investors attention and sell low  when the the price moves down...there is nothing like crystallizing your loss by selling your investment for less than you paid. 

My advice, stop reading the newspapers and turn your television and radio off. Why, because broadcasters are there to sell doom and gloom - to ratchet up the hype about fear, plunder and rape in the market place. You must remember  to keep your head when all about you is losing theirs and blaming it on everything else.

Here is my point.  You don't have to be in the stock market and invest in assets that offer variable returns if you can't take the market volatility.  All you have to do is be prepared to save a hell of lot more of your money. Now if you are like  most people who have used their home as a piggy bank then you know there is no disposable income left you're too buys paying off your debts and no more money to save.  This why you have to invest in the market so that you get some real help from volatility.  That is how the wealthy becomes wealthy and become even more wealthy.

Volatility is the backbone of stock market indices!  If you want to stay on top of things; set up preauthorize contributions on a monthly basis this way you can take advantage of what is called dollar cost average - this is when you buy more of an investment when the price is low and less when the price goes  up and you are amassing units at a reasonable average price.  This way, you are always invested and you never have to worry about market fluctuations and stay up worrying for god sake about your dwindling portfolio.
Remember this.  Ships are safe in the harbor but that is not where they belong.  Take a little risk in your life especially if you have many years in front of you or just settle back and resign yourself to working even harder to create wealth.
Take heart, be gentle with yourself and live your best life ever!


Sunday, 7 August 2011

Shut out the noise

There is so much noise in the environment one has to work extremely hard to listen to that very quiet inner voice of sanity. The media is over-run with calamity from the world economic crisis to pure and just nonsense. People are being scared shitless out of their investment portfolios only because of the noise and the panic. And trust me, I know panic; fight or flight. Fact is good people it is tiresome! Run for cover and take possession of your mind.

My solution, turn to your heart and your mind for your very own answers.  Forget about the fears of the future. Forget about acquiring the latest or the hottest gadgets it won't make you any better than you are, it is a lark. You are the greatest thing since slice bread in your very own solar system. It is all about YOU, no matter what the situation always turn it back to you and when you find out you mistepped take heart and be humble and own up to your misdeeds.  Humility is a precious gift it allows us to exercise empathy and love to self and others. 

Responding to things instead of reacting to them will add years - quality years to your life or really doesn't matter.  Live for now and quietly plan for the tomorrows that may or may not come for you.

Want to live a life of peace and harmony?  Realize this nothing in our existence is real, it is a grand illusion of which collectively we have embraced in one accord.  We are on this beautiful planet that has everything we need to sustain our lives - everything else is a dream, que sara, sara...whatever will be will be.

Make the most out of your life - do whatever the hell you please - just don't hurt anybody.

Yesterday my friend Alice and I decided that we would everyday do something that we have never done before. Doing something different each day will enable you to live a more conscious and aware existence. Just think how expansive your life will be when you are learning and doing something new everyday.  It does not have to be anything grand. Just something that alters your personal perception of who you are which may only be discernible to you and that is all that matters.  This is not an exercise for the world to see in order to judge and praise you. It is only for you to see to love and praise yourself in the quiet of your soul.

Live your best life ever. I love you.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Here's what some readers have to say about my new book, Joyful, Soulful Sex: The Modern Woman's Guide to Intimacy and Great Sex

 I love the process of writing, as an author it give me the opportunity to look into myself and discover all kinds of little caverns and valleys, little parts of me that is ever making the self more and more aware.  It is a process of self discovery all the time.  My goal is to write a new book every two years, and  believe me when I tell you I have enough fodder for a couple of lifetimes.

Read below and find out what readers of Joyful, Soulful Sex has to say about The sexiest book of the 21st century: And check out to order your copy...soon to be available in eBook.

I would like to recommend the following book:  Joyful, Soulful Sex: The Modern Woman's Guide to Intimacy and Great Sex, by Charm Darby who hails from North Toronto. I was going to take it on holiday to read this summer but finished it in a couple of sittings this week. It is a powerful and ground-breaking book which I am sure is going to catch on like wildfire. I have never read such a good book on the subject of women's sexuality but just as informative for men. I do hope you will consider it

Richard Tanner

Charm Darby’s Joyful, Soulful Sex is a strikingly candid portrait of a universal taboo subject many still believe should only be discussed in whispered conversations.
In an honest and straightforward way, Darby takes her readers through a series of references and events that consistently expose sex as a naked, shared, course of action.
The educational quality of Joyful, Soulful Sex is well defined throughout the book and thoughtfully clarified under dos and don’ts in the final Chapters.
Readers will probably be tantalized and aroused by sexual accounts in Joyful, Soulful Sex but, make no mistake, Darby’s bold, in your face assumptions, with adjectives that describe the nouns of which she speaks, force her readers to examine their own forbidden fantasies.  Joyful, Soulful Sex could well be the sexual awakening that today’s women and men seek.
A must read, Joyful, Soulful Sex is a unique book, written by an extraordinary person.
Olive  Rose Steele

 My name is Alice Wynter and I would like to submit a title for your book club program.

The title is, Joyful, Soulful Sex: The Modern Woman's Guide to Intimacy and Great Sex - By Charm Darby.  (Charm is a resident of North Toronto, and her book has just been launched this month)

This book is a great read for everyone.... men, women, young, and old.   It touches upon the deeper aspects of a sexual relationship, namely how as emotional beings our sexual encounters are affected by the state of mind that we are in (and our partner is in) at the time.  I found many enlightening passages, and as a woman of 42, I thought I had pretty much heard it all, but Charm's book was eye opening and made me realize just how right she is as I was able to identify with many of the stories told.  
Beautifully written, at times you find yourself in awe, laughing out loud, or even cringing, but Charm lays all issues on the table with wild abandon, and you are left reading the final chapter feeling as if you've just had a heart to heart conversation with your best friend. 

I highly recommend this book, which would be a great summer, read during the lazy, hazy days of summer.

Alice Wynter

This book is a true blessing! It honours the Higher Self, the Higher Spirit, the Soul, the YOU. At the same time it grounds you back to your deep origins. It is an amazing journey
of finding the TRUE YOU and of knowing YOU at a superior level.

Angelica Necula, S.S.B, M.Sc.,
Reiki Master/Teacher
Bowen Practitioner

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Know your worth.

Ever notice how in the business world the investment analysts and finance writers are always talking about valuation?.  I've been thinking about valuation a lot lately  and have realized that  for the most part a lot of us do not know our true value.  Of course, I am not talking about value as in $$$ - but value as in who you are as a unique individual, what you contribute to the lives of those whom you touch on a regular basis.

If you were to drop dead this instant what would your legacy be? And I'm not talking about the impression you leave on the world but on those few hundreds of people you have in your solar system as friends, family, acquaintances, associates, work colleagues  and yes, even those people whom you may call your enemies.  That's what I am talking about the you, the essence of who you are,  your intellect, your spirit, your emotion, your love, your gentleness, your humility and above your sense of justice.

To realize that you are beautiful, brilliant, smart, sexy, joyful, tender, spontaneous,  wise and sometimes a little foolish is of great value to the soul. To know that you are worth it and that you are IT and that IT is all that counts is my legacy to this joyful, predictable yet totally unpredictable life.

What is the value of the  soul? What is the value of the spirit? What is the value of unconditional LOVE. Priceless and you are worth IT  all, all of  IT.
Live your best life ever!

Monday, 1 August 2011

Communication - how it can make or break a friendship

I've met someone that I'm really quite interested in - he had to go away for the weekend for business and we lost mobile service. He was sending me messages and I was not receiving  them. I was sending him messages and he wasn't receiving them.  I jumped to the conclusion that he might be a flake and I'm certain he thought I was not interested.  Turns out we were both wrong.

That was a teachable moment. First thing, do not jump to conclusions or make wild assumptions you will always be off the mark for the most part. Have some faith in the person you are dealing with and always give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

Second thing: Do not react to run a way thoughts and imagination  that have no substance they can ruin a good thing.

As for me and  my  interested party...we'll see where we go from here.

Have a great day and live your best life.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Summer Romance

I love summertime, it gives so much energy to life.  The sun, the greenness of the earth in full bloom; blue sky, the warmth of family and friends, making new friends the openness and joy of summer spread even to the birds.  And if you're lucky you might have a romance that was given birth in summertime.  Summer, the season for endless passion, endless love, endless emotions and endless joy that flows over the brim of life.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Steamy, Senuous, Sexy Summer Days

I love summer time, truth be known I love all the four seasons, but summer time is my favorite because it stirs my soul and sends off an array  of joy that permeate my being.  And I'm not alone, the birds love summer too - as I make my early  morning run I'm serenaded by birds of all stripes singing songs of joy, hope and glory for me and all the world to hear.  And yes, of course, I say, good morning and thank you for your songs of joy, hope and glory.

Summer gives life to freedom and youthfulness, it brings out the inner beauty of all things - very few souls can escape its joy, its impulsiveness  and feelings of flightiness.  Yes. I love summer the seasons that gives us plenty of raw food to eat with gusto and vigor. And, when the sun has cooled down a tad, and you might decide to skinny dip in the privacy and security of your heart - you know you're safe because you are being rocked by the steamy, sensuous, sexy summer days of your life. 

Live Your Best Life Ever!

Friday, 15 July 2011

What men really want from women.

The all time mystery has made itself visible. It has only taken me most of my life and a few good relationships with some very good men to understand what makes those simple creatures called men, tick.

It's very simple. Sex, is the most important thing a man wants from a woman. And not just sex, but hot sex, the type of sex they think they can never get from their wives. I'm talking about the kind of hot sex they had with their girlfriends before the vows came into play.  Of course, you all know that. How often do you hear both men and women said,  "The sex used to be so good when we were dating. We were fucking every night - everywhere, and then bomb, you get married and after about 6-9 months all that passion dries up - dries up to the bone I tell you."  Well, ain't that the truth. But it doesn't have to be so.

Well, I believe it is because sex is such a powerful attraction to humans that when those chemical mixture starts to flare up within - one has to have the strength of Samson to hold back.Cause the truth is, sex is very easy - it is by far the path of the least resistance.  

Don't get me wrong, women love sex as much as men love sex - the big difference with most women is that they want to have passionate love with someone who really cares for them.  Men, well, some men don't even have to be attracted or feel anything deeply for a woman in order to penetrate her. Sad, but true.  This is why women give up sex quickly because they know, intuitively that that is where a man's focus is especially in the early stages on the interaction. Now, I can  say this honestly, not all men want to jump into the depth out of desperation some do have standards,:  most do not, as do some women I should say.

Men love sex because it makes them feel powerful. Men love sex because of their primal urges. Men love sex because it's another method of conquest. They really can't help themselves. Once the little head sees a prey it loses all sense of direction and zero into make the big kill.. They'll talk about how much they want to commit, fact is they'll say and do whatever it takes for them to subdue their prey.  Forgive me for using the vernacular of the animal kingdom but really, people, we are animals - we're just at this time, at the top of the food chain.

After sex, men want loyalty and total devotion from the women they're in a relationship with - they want women to back them up - no matter how ridiculous their notions are and yes we do back them up - and stand by them even when they commit the most grievous of malice - embarrassing us in the public we've seen with all these wives of famous men who've  put their hands in the cookie jar.

If you want to get a real kick out of the human psyche you must read my new book on human sexuality and spirituality, titled, Joyful, Soulful Sex: The Modern Woman's Guide to Intimacy and Great Sex.  Get your copy today from or from my website:  and have the best read on the subject. - And put some soulfulness in your next lovemaking expression. - And do tell me about it here.

Remember you don't have to lower your standards because you are single.  Live your best Life ever!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

When is the right time to end a relationship?

Ending a relationship no matter how short or long is always a burden to the soul.   If you are in a relationship where you are doing all the heavy lifting. You have to find a way to communicate with your partner and revisit why you are together in the first place. If you are in a relationship and you feel alone and empty - you are in the wrong place - find a new spot to rest.  If you are in a relationship where you are wondering why you are with this person - you need to be honest about what you're feeling and tell your partner.

Sometimes you'll find even though you really love this person - they're  not the one for you.  The few things that makes you think you were meant to be together will one day not be enough to keep you together. The most important thing to remember in this life if you want to maintain high spirit no matter what, is to remember  not everyone who comes into your life needs to stay - some come for a very brief moment, some stay for weeks, months, sometimes even years, then their time is up.  It doesn't matter who they are if you can end an affair and not be bitter or hurt or become hateful then you have received the gifts these visitors have brought you. Don't let your past ruin your present moment - Love them and set them free. This way you are free to love deeply and passionately and be open to receiving the love you seek.

Keep your eyes on the moment - not on what the future will bring you - realize that the future is now - love now - give now - share now - laugh now - cry now - play now and more than anything else feel your feelings now. If you don't, you will traumatize yourself for years to come and soon you will be medicated.

Live your best life ever!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The Art of real friendship.

One of the things I treasure the most in my life are my friends.  People who know me quite well, knows how devoted and loyal a friend I am.  Of late I'm noticing that friendship doesn't seem to mean a lot to some people.  Their friendship is as tenuous as the wind - you never know which they it will blow.

Friendship, like every other type of collaboration between humanity requires honesty, integrity, thoughtfulness, consideration, compassion and above all, love. A friend jokingly said to me that she hopes when she dies it will be in the winter time when people are home because if it's summer her friends will all be at their cottages or busy soaking up the great Ra's energy.  I thought, she's right. The real meaning of friendship has been lost - we have hundreds of connections but no real friends.  We have a stream of social network - yet - we don't talk to each other - we make it look like we are talking to each other. 

Let us get back to the fine art of friendship, where loyalty is really huge, devotion is heartfelt, compassion is constant,  honesty a bridge that binds, forgiveness is paramount and love is freedom.

I give thanks for my family and friends. New friends and friends I am yet to meet, and for all the inhabitants of the universe. Live your best life ever!

Monday, 11 July 2011

Honesty - the bedrock of a sincere relationship.

Many relationships have died a swift and agonizing death because lovers do not know how to communicate honestly with their mates.  They hold back their true feelings out of fear that they're going to lose the one they want or the one they're with.  But fact is, in the long run you're better off to be truthful up front regardless of what is at stake because the lies will be discovered anyway.

Most relationships end within 6-9 months because of boredom - lack of communication - dried up sex - the unveiling of the real self emerges and everyone runs for cover.  People can only pretend and lie for a very short period of time unless of course you are Arnold the sperminator,  Casey Anthony - Tiger Woods and the host of politicians who are caught with their pants down. - these are people who can lie for  an extended period of time - They lie so well that it becomes the truth to them.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Dealing with yourself first

To find the best relationship you imagine begins with the relationship you have with yourself.  First question to ask the self is this, Would I want to be in a relationship with me? Consider deeply this answer because whoever you are that is what you get. It doesn't get any better than that dealing with the love that you are will lead you to the love you desire.