Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Know your worth.

Ever notice how in the business world the investment analysts and finance writers are always talking about valuation?.  I've been thinking about valuation a lot lately  and have realized that  for the most part a lot of us do not know our true value.  Of course, I am not talking about value as in $$$ - but value as in who you are as a unique individual, what you contribute to the lives of those whom you touch on a regular basis.

If you were to drop dead this instant what would your legacy be? And I'm not talking about the impression you leave on the world but on those few hundreds of people you have in your solar system as friends, family, acquaintances, associates, work colleagues  and yes, even those people whom you may call your enemies.  That's what I am talking about the you, the essence of who you are,  your intellect, your spirit, your emotion, your love, your gentleness, your humility and above your sense of justice.

To realize that you are beautiful, brilliant, smart, sexy, joyful, tender, spontaneous,  wise and sometimes a little foolish is of great value to the soul. To know that you are worth it and that you are IT and that IT is all that counts is my legacy to this joyful, predictable yet totally unpredictable life.

What is the value of the  soul? What is the value of the spirit? What is the value of unconditional LOVE. Priceless and you are worth IT  all, all of  IT.
Live your best life ever!

1 comment:

  1. This is so true...I think in this life we live we are far too concerned with our valuation in terms of dollars and more time needs to be spent on SELF valuation. Very well said.
